$30.45 USD

10 Steps to Somatic Self Healing

Self Healing....a practice of deepening into YOU. A practice of meeting parts of Self that need a little love, a little "hello, I'm here, and I love You"

 I want to be clear, YOU, WE are not broken, this isn't about "fixing" you...

 You are perfect, born perfect and will remain perfect as you continue in this human experience. 

 What we are learning is the tenderness that our wounds are missing. The medicine of our own presence, our own loving witness, and our own hearts, healing themselves.


A reminder that all we need is already within 

In this process you will learn the 10 steps I use on Myself and with clients, I wish you the most loving journey

xxx Ky

What People Are Saying:

I’ve spent my life people pleasing and always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I’ve walked around full of anxiety and worry that I’ll disappoint or let people around me down. I’ve also been afraid to speak my mind and share my voice in fear of what others will say or think. Over the past few months of working with you, a major, unexpected shift has happened. I’ve become increasingly more confident with me. I’ve learned how to create boundaries and people started respecting them. I’m at peace with myself and my choices. I’m more communicative with my people which in turn has solidified beautiful bonds and friendships. But best of all, I’m not afraid of the other shoe dropping. It’s going to… maybe… what happens when/if it does? Nothing. Life. We except and move forward. I have never in my 42 years of life been more comfortable with my whole being, until now. I’ve never felt what true happiness felt like, until now. I’ve never felt so anchored to the earth, until now. Something major has shifted and I feel like I can finally breathe. I owe a lot of that to you. So from the bottom of my happy heart, thank you. I love you. Xo
